Published January 24, 2022
This article has been one of my favorites to write, and I love seeing it as one of the top blogs for my client quarter over quarter. I've lived in the southeast of Calgary for 6 years, and it was lovely to shine a light on some of the great little local restaurants in the area.
"The new year is finally here, and with it comes the usual round of goal setting and making resolutions for the coming months. If you have trouble sticking to your resolutions, we have a great one for you– try visiting more local restaurants in 2022! You don’t have to drive all the way downtown to find amazing restaurants in Calgary. We have a lot of great options here in the suburbs, all within a 15 minute drive from Wolf Willow. Humans are creatures of habit, and we like to stick with what we know. But if you’ve been looking to shake up your next meal, look no further than these local joints in southeast Calgary. Each restaurant offers dine in, take-out, or curbside pick-up. In no particular order, here are our top 10 suggestions to satisfy your next craving...."
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